Contact us to know your options regarding your property.
Sell Your House In Long Island, New York.

Where Homeowners Go to Get in the Know®

Not sure what to do with a property you own or inherited?

Know Your Options.

Homeowners Resource Group, Inc. will provide you with options and information regarding your property.

If you are not sure whether you can keep a property that is in foreclosure, or sell your home for quick cash or a short sale, we are here to let you know what options are available to you. 

We Help Homeowners Decide if they can Keep or Sell their House

Homeowners Resource Group - Helping Homeowners with property they own or inherited.

Homeowners Resource Group offers assistance to homeowners and their heirs who are in difficult situations. Our team of experts is here to provide a range of options for homeowners looking to keep or sell their property. Whether they are in foreclosure, owe more than their house is worth, have inherited a property with liens or a reverse mortgage, we are here to go through their options and let them know if they are able to keep the property or able to sell it and walk away with money.

We help homeowners who are facing foreclosure, behind on mortgage or tax payments, owing more than their property is worth, inheriting a property with debt, or owning a property that is in disrepair. Our team is also equipped to assist homeowners with properties that are in poor condition, uninhabitable, destroyed by fire or flood, or considered “zombie homes.” Regardless of the condition of the property or the value of any additional liens or judgments on title, we will work closely with you to determine the best course of action and provide expert guidance throughout the process. Our goal is to empower homeowners with the knowledge and resources necessary to make informed decisions about their property. Such decisions include:

Selling the property via a quick cash sale or a short sale

Issuing the property back to the lender via a Deed in Lieu of foreclosure

Reorganizing or restructuring their debt through a bankruptcy, via a referral to a qualified attorney

Repayment of their debt through a loan modification, via a referral to a qualified attorney or HUD foreclosure housing counseling credit agency

Representation in foreclosure defense litigation, via a referral to a qualified attorney

In some cases, when a family member dies, the rest of the family inherits the property that is burdened with debt from tax liens or a reverse mortgage. The heirs usually think that it is a lost cause and let it go back to the lien holder or bank because they think that they do not have the ability to sell it on behalf of the estate. Many people may not be aware that they have inherited ownership rights to a property through an estate of a family member. In most cases, they are able to do a short sale or short pay, without incurring any of the financial responsibilities and still walk away with money.

Homeowners Resource Group, Inc. was created to assist homeowners and their families in understanding all the options available to them regarding their properties. We understand that when facing difficulties within our own family, it’s important to know whom we can trust when making important life-changing decisions. Learn more about Estate Inheritance Sales here.

About Homeowners Resource Group, Inc.

Homeowners Resource Group, Inc. has helped over 1000 homeowners with their properties in distressed or complicated situations. We specialize in helping homeowners to avoid foreclosure by selling their properties and getting all of their debt satisfied and paid in full. Homeowners Resource Group, Inc. strives to give the best advice, to their knowledge, for the best interest of all parties involved. 

We Want to Help You With Your Property.

We help homeowners to know all their options to keep or sell their properties. Homeowners Resource Group, Inc. is ready to let you know what you can walk away with, even if you don’t think you are eligible to receive money at closing.

If you want to sell your house, we will let you know what you can walk away with – even if you have no equity, are in foreclosure, filed for bankruptcy, inherited a house with debt, or have a house that is in very poor condition.

How much can I walk away with if I sell my house?

What will it Cost me to keep and stay in my house?


Eva, contacted me about a short sale of my house, she set it all up and the process was very easy, stayed in contact through it all and was honest about everything no surprises. Thanks again

– S.M., Bethpage

We Can Tell You Your Options For Any Situation.

Should I Sell or Keep my house?

How much can I walk away with if I sell? What will it cost me to keep my house? 

Who is going to help me make the best decision?

Will I have an attorney or a real estate agent provide me my options? 

What is the next step?

What do I need to do in order to keep my house? How can I find out what I can make from selling my house? 

How long will it take?

How long can I stay in my house if I can keep it? How long will it take to close if I sell? 

We work differently at Homeowners Resource Group, Inc..

The team of specialists at Homeowners Resource Group, Inc. help homeowners in Long Island, New York and the surrounding area. We help homeowners that have houses in poor condition, are vacant, have become zombie houses, are abandoned, have mold damage or flood damage, have fire damage, and even a pest infestation. No matter the condition of the property, we are here to provide you with all your options to keep or sell your house.

(Go here to learn about our process)

Work with someone you can trust. 

We are here to provide you with the most honest available options to you. We understand that this is not an easy decision to make and want to help you.

Call or Text us 631-759-4408

Complimentary Assessment

We are here to provide you with a full analysis of the property that you own or have inherited. We will search for any outstanding liens and judgments, current ownership, pending foreclosure actions or lis pendens information, and provide you with an amount of potential cash that you can walk away with, even if there is no equity in the property. There are no fees, commissions, or obligations, whatsoever. You may call or text us at 631-759-4408, or email
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    We know this is a difficult decision.

    Most people are unaware that they still own house that they owe more than it is worth, or that they inherited through a relative that has a lot of debt from tax liens or a reverse mortgage. It is a common misconception, usually told to someone by their attorney, that they do not own or have rights to a property, and do not need to worry about it. The house ends up sitting vacant for years, while the bank, lien, or judgment holders are trying to foreclose on it. All the while, the seller is missing out on the ability to clear their record of their debt via a short sale, short pay, or quick cash sale.

    Call us today at (631) 759-4408 for more information.

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